We’re continually improving our Masala Design System. The following changes are listed by the date we completed each change.
Source code
feat(meter): add new meter component (8610ed3d)
feat(organisms): add figma code connect for organisms components (e8cfb1c0)
feat(table): add support to expand nested rows in table (abf0364e)
feat(meter): add new meter component (8610ed3d)
feat(organisms): add figma code connect for organisms components (e8cfb1c0)
feat(table): add support to expand nested rows in table (abf0364e)
fix(select): update select trigger classes for overflow behavior (543aa6ce)
docs(meter): add meter component documentation (804ef4dc)
feat(chatBubble): add new chat bubble component (25bf60e0)
feat(dateSeparator): add chat date separator component (5ec3f5f1)
feat(unreadMessage): add chat unread message separator component (c5fc0f16)
feat(newMessage): add chat new message separator component (b6ea6dd4)
feat(typingIndicator): add chat typing indicator component (c9f7ef4c)
feat(avatarGroup): add status indicator support in avatar group component (828bc9f8)
feat(avatarGroup): add presence support in avatar group component (377979d9)
feat(avatarSelection): add status & presence support in avatar selection (007425dd)
feat(avatarSelection): add figma code connect for avatar selection component (48c4baa3)
feat(avatarGroup): add figma code connect for avatar group component (5af38b76)
feat(chat): add figma code connect for chat ancillary component (20646dd8)
feat(typingIndicator): update size from regular to small in typing indicator component (f5322da4)
feat(chatBubble): add new chat bubble component (25bf60e0)
feat(dateSeparator): add chat date separator component (5ec3f5f1)
feat(unreadMessage): add chat unread message separator component (c5fc0f16)
feat(newMessage): add chat new message separator component (b6ea6dd4)
feat(typingIndicator): add chat typing indicator component (c9f7ef4c)
feat(avatarGroup): add status indicator support in avatar group component (828bc9f8)
feat(avatarGroup): add presence support in avatar group component (377979d9)
feat(avatarSelection): add status & presence support in avatar selection (007425dd)
feat(avatarSelection): add figma code connect for avatar selection component (48c4baa3)
feat(avatarGroup): add figma code connect for avatar group component (5af38b76)
feat(chat): add figma code connect for chat ancillary component (20646dd8)
feat(typingIndicator): update size from regular to small in typing indicator component (f5322da4)
fix(css): update order of typography components css in final bundled css file (b29e3f2c)
fix(tooltip): update props order to accept classname in tooltip component (865a0240)
docs(avatarGroup): add presence & status section in avatar group (085ef5c7)
docs(chat): add chat ancillary components documentation (e27e6b32)
docs(chatBubble): add new chat bubble component documentation (4253816c)
feat(table): add vertical alignment support in table body cell (0dd117e4)
feat(avatarSelection): update stacking order and popover design of avatar selection (051093c9)
feat(avatarGroup): update popover design & stacking order of avatar group (143c9994)
feat(table): add vertical alignment support in table body cell (0dd117e4)
feat(avatarSelection): update stacking order and popover design of avatar selection (051093c9)
feat(avatarGroup): update popover design & stacking order of avatar group (143c9994)
fix(table): remove loading state from static header (89642c47)
fix(table): fix horizontal scroll alignment issue between columns (93fb855d)
fix: update tsconfig to fix import error for module css (a8590122)
fix(docs): fix overlapping of image with table of content in input component (f324767c)
fix(radio): update props order to accept data-test properly in radio component (34f5b3cd)
chore: update typescript plugin for ts declaration file bundling (316a461e)
test(daterangepicker): update test cases for date range picker component (7e2e6d91)
chore: update design system esm bundle path in docs script (5c435736)
docs(avatarGroup): update images and guideline for avatar group component (90d518dd)
feat(CSS): migrate to module CSS for ESM and UMD builds to work together (e91b1cf1)
feat(CSS): migrate to module CSS for ESM and UMD builds to work together (e91b1cf1)
feat(avatar): add presence indicator support in avatar component (ce945f26)
feat(avatar): add status indicator support in avatar (58857846)
fix(input): update cursor position on input type change (8f45613f)
fix(table): update table stories structure on storybook (9e3b4d53)
feat(statusHint): update color for default appearance (a64c5128)
feat(avatar): add presence indicator support in avatar component (ce945f26)
feat(avatar): add status indicator support in avatar (58857846)
feat(statusHint): update color for default appearance (a64c5128)
fix(input): update cursor position on input type change (8f45613f)
chore: fix lint error in dropzone component & toast figma connect (9c8a41ec)
fix(progressIndicators): update story of spinner and progress ring (506ca9b1)
fix(table): update table stories structure on storybook (9e3b4d53)
refactor(table): update table props description on storybook (f041f10f)
docs(docs): add status and presence indicator documentation in avatar (dc14464c)
docs(docs): update table preview link in documentation (1df056c2)
feat(progressBar): update small size from 2px to 4px (c5ed8a80)
feat(progressRing): add large size support in progress ring component (2da8320b)
feat(spinner): add extra small size for spinner (16ab49ff)
feat(scrollbar): update scrollbar state (ca53ef74)
feat(spinner): add secondary and white appearances (c1730ed5)
feat(spinner): update figma code connect for extra small size of spinner (e4bdbb0f)
feat(progressBar): update small size from 2px to 4px (c5ed8a80)
feat(scrollbar): update scrollbar state (ca53ef74)
Revert “fix(table): fix selection state of resource table” (fc4f1739)
feat(progressBar): update small size from 2px to 4px (c5ed8a80)
feat(progressRing): add large size support in progress ring component (2da8320b)
feat(spinner): add extra small size for spinner (16ab49ff)
feat(scrollbar): update scrollbar state (ca53ef74)
feat(spinner): add secondary and white appearances (c1730ed5)
feat(spinner): update figma code connect for extra small size of spinner (e4bdbb0f)
fix(docs): update active state for leftnav menu item (c07b00a3)
fix(docs): synchronize active tab state with URL to prevent mismatch after navigation (c5bd00d8)
Revert “fix(table): fix selection state of resource table” (fc4f1739)
fix(modal): update story of Modal component and replace Dropdown with Select component (60c93bb8)
fix(Table): update stories of Resource table component and replace Dropdown with Menu component (95775d34)
fix(HorizontalNav): update stories of HorizontalNav component and replace Dropdown with Select component (e6b9cfb8)
fix(pageheader): replace dropdown with Menu component in Pageheader stories (dad8ae1d)
chore: remove jira automation workflow for github issues (6b5ebb8e)
docs(docs): update progress indicator documentation (2788f9d5)
fix(table): fix selection state of resource table (9e9fb824)
fix(docs): remove js-beautify dependency (8e6cbac0)
fix(table): fix selection state of resource table (9e9fb824)
fix(docs): remove js-beautify dependency (8e6cbac0)
chore: remove js-beautify dependency (a9f0c2b7)
fix(satismeter): update survey questions id for api response (ba8f0386)
chore: fix security vulnerabilities in dev dependencies (1302de94)
fix: replace deprecated ‘dropdown’ with Select and Menu in stories
chore: remove js-beautify dependency (a9f0c2b7)
fix(satismeter): update survey questions id for api response (ba8f0386)
chore: fix security vulnerabilities in dev dependencies (1302de94)
refactor(helpText): replace Dropdown with Select component in story of HelpText (9ff836dc)
fix(stepper): replace deprecated ‘dropdown’ with Select and Menu in Stepper (184b42ac)
fix(editableChipInput): fix overflow behavior of editableChipInput component (6e5fccbc)
fix(tabs): replace deprecated ‘dropdown’ with Select in tabs (1fa589fc)
fix(button): replace deprecated Dropdown with Menu in Button (8dd6c959)
fix(popover): replace deprecated ‘dropdown’ with Select in Popover (3ebee272)
chore: migrate to node 20 and fix security vulnerability (d8a26021)
chore: migrate to node 20 and fix security vulnerability (d8a26021)
feat(avatarGroup): update avatar group popover list design (2de75c4f)
feat(select): update text color of select trigger placeholder (e23be2e4)
feat(avatar): update appearance of text and icon in avatar (e592a5ae)
feat(popover): add support for delay on popover opening (eaa5c228)
feat(molecules): add figma code connect for molecules component (de8c4b4b)
feat(combobox): add input text overflow behavior (e6b2f986)
feat(avatarGroup): update label for overflow story of avatar group (78668fd2)
feat(avatarGroup): update avatar group popover list design (2de75c4f)
feat(select): update text color of select trigger placeholder (e23be2e4)
feat(avatar): update appearance of text and icon in avatar (e592a5ae)
feat(popover): add support for delay on popover opening (eaa5c228)
feat(molecules): add figma code connect for molecules component (de8c4b4b)
feat(combobox): add input text overflow behavior (e6b2f986)
feat(avatarGroup): update label for overflow story of avatar group (78668fd2)
fix(datepicker): update today date chip disabled state (449acb4f)
docs: update docs for browser title and table filters (f6495841)
feat(Button): update spacing of icon with label (6d44f718)
docs(browserTitle): add browser tab title documentation (1306e042)
feat(Button): update spacing of icon with label (6d44f718)
fix(popover): add check for element in getComputeStyle function (03f016ce)
docs(table): add table selection documentation (73a10d9d)
docs(pageHeader): update images for icon with label button in pageHeader documentation (c8d8338d)
docs(avatar): update image for square avatar in documentation (fc14cdad)
docs(browserTitle): add browser tab title documentation (1306e042)
feat(code-connect): add figma code connect for molecules component (7d351423)
feat(menu): add onToggle callback prop (1085fe69)
feat(emptyState): add mds-images import statement in stories (0c2a5af6)
feat(code-connect): add figma code connect for molecules component (7d351423)
feat(menu): add onToggle callback prop (1085fe69)
feat(emptyState): add mds-images import statement in stories (0c2a5af6)
fix(listbox): add card with no shadow in listbox stories (973673a2)
fix(dropdown): add key to the dropdown list item (8c08fe60)
chore: downgrade js-beautify package version to 1.14.1 (5c3d0f2f)
chore: downgrade js-beautify package version to 1.14.1 (5c3d0f2f)
chore: upgrade js-beautify package to 1.14.10 version (30067a15)
chore: upgrade js-beautify package to 1.14.10 version (30067a15)
feat(verificationCodeInput): add onchange prop in verificationInputCode component (e8b45e85)
chore: upgrade js-beautify package version (e8159526)
feat(verificationCodeInput): add onchange prop in verificationInputCode component (e8b45e85)
chore: upgrade js-beautify package version (e8159526)
feat(chipInput): add overflow behavior for input text (90eb6381)
feat(spacing): add spacing class for 6px token (d2e1dd4c)
feat(docs): update headings to title case for all markdown file (c2e3b5a1)
feat(tooltip): update opacity of tooltip and images in docs site (79decc1d)
feat(AIComponents): add figma code connect for AI Components (900d6712)
feat(chipInput): add overflow behavior for input text (90eb6381)
feat(spacing): add spacing class for 6px token (d2e1dd4c)
feat(docs): update headings to title case for all markdown file (c2e3b5a1)
feat(tooltip): update opacity of tooltip and images in docs site (79decc1d)
feat(AIComponents): add figma code connect for AI Components (900d6712)
fix(dropzone): update error state for unknown file type (083e1d74)
docs(uiStates): update story live preview for UI States (5e6e115b)
fix(chip): fix horizontal and vertical alignment of multiple chips (02a8c24b)
fix(tabs): fix spacing for custom labels tabs (b3d63c8c)
fix(materialSymbols): revert material symbols file (e0b20f70)
fix(chip): fix horizontal and vertical alignment of multiple chips (02a8c24b)
fix(tabs): fix spacing for custom labels tabs (b3d63c8c)
fix(materialSymbols): revert material symbols file (e0b20f70)
feat(keyValuePair): add new key-value-pair component (e3d6a8bb)
feat(figma): add figma code connect to atomic components (c66e9e3c)
feat(tabs): add overflow behavior for text label (1aeaf466)
feat: figma code connect for atom components (df43978b)
feat(figma): update figma code connect variable for button component (c45a1223)
feat(popover): add disabled prop to prevent toggle for disabled trigger (fdc01a87)
feat(keyValuePair): add new key-value-pair component (e3d6a8bb)
feat(figma): add figma code connect to atomic components (c66e9e3c)
feat(tabs): add overflow behavior for text label (1aeaf466)
feat: figma code connect for atom components (df43978b)
feat(figma): update figma code connect variable for button component (c45a1223)
feat(popover): add disabled prop to prevent toggle for disabled trigger (fdc01a87)
fix(inputMask): autofocus issue for WebKit browsers fix (201be4e2)
fix(AIResponse): remove beta from the AI Response stories (37b44f0f)
fix(link): add description for using subtle as appearance in link component (e820f517)
fix(select): update width for select option wrapper (6f5527d3)
fix(docs): remove keyValuePair nav from mobile page (137a9a92)
feat(keyValuePair): update stories of keyValuePair component (323ecb62)
docs(tabs): update tab label overflow documentation (b23e2592)
docs(keyValuePair): add key value pair component documentation (be957de5)
feat(tab): add small size support in tab component (0060c807)
feat(Message): update background colors in message (d31d5fd1)
feat(AIResponse): add generating response story (9f64993e)
feat(tab): add small size support in tab component (0060c807)
feat(Message): update background colors in message (d31d5fd1)
feat(AIResponse): add generating response story (9f64993e)
fix(chip): update inline alignment for multiple chips (bf8f6b29)
docs(message): update images in message documentation (2bf6b150)
docs(tabs): add small size tabs documentation (5dbd6c9f)
docs(AIResponse): add stories for generating content (96332c35)
fix: move lottie player npm package from dev-dependencies to dependencies (65d70faf)
fix(combobox): add onFocus and onBlur callback function in combobox options (83e66918)
fix: move lottie player npm package from dev-dependencies to dependencies (65d70faf)
fix(combobox): add onFocus and onBlur callback function in combobox options (83e66918)
chore(react-lottie-player): moved to externals for esm module (88fc0af4)
chore(react-lottie-player): moved to externals for esm module (88fc0af4)
If relying on ESM build, install @lottiefiles/react-lottie-player
for animation related components.
feat(icon): update material symbols font file (8e51ba0f)
fix(select): ensure popover toggles correctly on cursor click (84228b0c)
feat(icon): update material symbols font file (8e51ba0f)
fix(select): ensure popover toggles correctly on cursor click (84228b0c)
feat(select): add support for custom trigger in select (4e85e268)
feat(avatar): add disabled state in avatar component (008691a9)
feat(avatargroup): add disabled state in avatar group component (773ba954)
feat(avatarselection): add disabled state in avatar selection component (402946cc)
feat(chip): update chip states (b9a46789)
feat(ActionCard): update states and spacing in action card (e42e0eb8)
feat(selectionCard): update states and spacing in selection card (8ea2982c)
feat(message): update warning appearance background color (b7716cd7)
feat(avatar): add disabled state in avatar component (008691a9)
feat(avatargroup): add disabled state in avatar group component (773ba954)
feat(avatarselection): add disabled state in avatar selection component (402946cc)
feat(select): add support for custom trigger in select (4e85e268)
feat(chip): update chip states (b9a46789)
feat(ActionCard): update states and spacing in action card (e42e0eb8)
feat(selectionCard): update states and spacing in selection card (8ea2982c)
feat(message): update warning appearance background color (b7716cd7)
fix(docs): remove interaction tab from avatar documentation (4a80dede)
fix(cypress): update link visit function for breadcrumb (9a3da237)
feat(stepper): update the stories for steppers (3e95e3a4)
feat(table): update table filter story (c9c64c31)
docs(interactive-cards): update states and spacing documentation (826b0c6a)
docs(states): update documentation of states in foundations (f5d53f2d)
docs(inlineEditable): update documentation of inline editable field (0ce2dfbf)
docs(chip): update chip state images (b1a9db6b)
docs(page-header): update stepper section in page header (69599cb2)
docs(stepper): update stepper page documentation (5b17adae)
docs(avatar): update documentation of avatar component (b9749949)
docs(avatarGroup): add documentation of avatar group and selection (b5e78996)
docs(AIResponse): update images in AI Response examples (f2b7c50c)
docs(select): add custom trigger documentation (8a8e5964)
style(colors): update night color hex code (d6f913c6)
feat(combobox): add support for computeStyle prop for popover positioning (b073ff74)
style(colors): update night color hex code (d6f913c6)
feat(combobox): add support for computeStyle prop for popover positioning (b073ff74)
fix(select): enable support for arbitrary default values in single select (bea359b7)
feat(AIButton): add new AI Button component (ce14715c)
feat(saraSparkle): add sara sparkle component (e7f54cb3)
feat(sara): add new sara component (848ee75c)
feat(AIButton): update stories for AI Button component (fbe8b2fd)
feat(AIIconButton): add new AI Icon Button Component (120079bd)
feat(AIChip): add new AI Chip component (66bd9303)
feat(AIResponse): add new AI Response component (09c7f087)
feat(progressIndicator): add new progress indicator pattern (f3eaf718)
feat(calendar): update calendar states (9d515e38)
feat(Input): update readonly state for all input components (8aa4b949)
feat(chip): add overflow behavior in chip and chipInput (b5fac8d0)
feat(AIButton): add new AI Button component (ce14715c)
feat(saraSparkle): add sara sparkle component (e7f54cb3)
feat(sara): add new sara component (848ee75c)
feat(AIButton): update stories for AI Button component (fbe8b2fd)
feat(AIIconButton): add new AI Icon Button Component (120079bd)
feat(AIChip): add new AI Chip component (66bd9303)
feat(AIResponse): add new AI Response component (09c7f087)
feat(calendar): update calendar states (9d515e38)
feat(Input): update readonly state for all input components (8aa4b949)
feat(chip): add overflow behavior in chip and chipInput (b5fac8d0)
feat(progressIndicator): add new progress indicator pattern (f3eaf718)
fix: update storybook link (0f79e9de)
fix(actions): update node js version for chromatic build job (20c18981)
fix(metricInput): update value of metric input when showActionButton prop is false (5e8b396b)
fix(select): update overflow of options in popover with respect to trigger size (4dad3cd3)
fix(select): update state of placeholder (c8f9f154)
fix(saraSparkle): update size of sara sparkle in story (8ab3d928)
fix(AIButton): update focus state of AI Button component (426872c4)
fix(docs): update title for components, content, patterns and visualization page (4f3dedde)
docs(calendar): update images of calendar states (d8b72589)
docs(chip): add overflow behavior in chip (992403da)
docs(chipInput): add overflow behavior in chipInput (c4313572)
docs(emptyState): add empty state documentation (a572b460)
docs(input): update the documentation of state of input (f31e9aaf)
docs(AIChip): add documentation of AI Chip component (04c8a303)
docs(AITrigger): add AI trigger components documentation (77909038)
docs(sara): add sara and sara sparkle documentation (439f03a2)
docs(AIResponse): add AI Response documentation (ebe60d42)
feat(emptyState): add emptyState component (0a8c8f89)
feat(combobox): add keyboard event handler support (748f7deb)
feat(emptyState): add emptyState component (0a8c8f89)
feat(combobox): add keyboard event handler support (748f7deb)
fix(docs): update components overview page layouts (c646237f)
fix(docs): update components overview page layout and cards layout (a633151b)
docs: update layout of components overview page and card opacity (8524e733)
fix(table): update table stories card border radius (39d7f348)
fix(inputMask): update set selectionRange method for unsupported types (a0d90ed0)
fix(emptyState): fix alignment issue when className is passed (0209f18c)
refactor: structure package json and add engines restriction (2e531a3f)
refactor(docs): update default storybook url in docs exporter script (97c9c80b)
chore(actions): add docs site test step for docs pull request (a97913a8)
docs(uistate): update empty state in uistate documentation (0217a54b)
feat(gatsby): migration from v3 to v5 (3a26576d)
feat(select): add support for relative width for trigger (f74c8951)
feat(gatsby): migration from v3 to v5 (3a26576d)
feat(select): add support for relative width for trigger (f74c8951)
fix(select): update argument type of onchange prop for search input (ae61b0e0)
feat(verticalnav): add auto tooltip feature and update spacing (f1182a50)
feat(verticalnav): add support for tooltip in case of non expandable icon (53a5a3d5)
feat(verticalnav): add auto tooltip feature and update spacing (f1182a50)
feat(verticalnav): add support for tooltip in case of non expandable icon (53a5a3d5)
fix(fileList): update font size weight and spacing in between the text and action icon (4acfbeac)
feat(gatsby): update changelog for latest gatsby version (57bb181d)
docs(verticalnav): add overflow documentation (0c49411e)
feat(spacing): implement 6px token and replace hardcoded value (292e6e2e)
feat(listbox): add selected and activated type in listbox stories (46c24416)
feat(spacing): implement 6px token and replace hardcoded value (292e6e2e)
feat(select): add appendToBody and boundary element props support (8a74dc4f)
fix(select): make title description optional in empty template (42ae0d79)
docs(spacing): add 6px token documentation (93d299e7)
feat(opacity): update values of opacity with tokens in components (e9701951)
feat(storybook): update storybook structure in alphabetical order (81c5261a)
feat(docs): update storybook preview link in markdown (5c367b4c)
feat(menu): add overflow behavior in option items (4b2f4239)
feat(combobox): add overflow behavior for option items (ef09ab38)
feat(avatarSelection): add overflow behavior for popover options (0d0bed91)
feat(select): add overflow behavior in option item and trigger (999ff9d3)
docs(node): node 20 migration (e3737cd8)
feat(opacity): update values of opacity with tokens in components (e9701951)
feat(storybook): update storybook structure in alphabetical order (81c5261a)
feat(docs): update storybook preview link in markdown (5c367b4c)
feat(menu): add overflow behavior in option items (4b2f4239)
feat(combobox): add overflow behavior for option items (ef09ab38)
feat(avatarSelection): add overflow behavior for popover options (0d0bed91)
feat(select): add overflow behavior in option item and trigger (999ff9d3)
docs(node): node 20 migration (e3737cd8)
fix(tooltip): tooltip not appearing on consecutive list hover (670e3a4e)
fix: update material symbols link on codesandbox (ad7c15a7)
fix(grid): update style for pinned columns (d68c7300)
fix(dropdown): fix width of error template in dropdown (5fd99771)
docs(node): fix cypress test cases (f6fd95c7)
chore: add launch config for jest test case debugging in VS Code (9bcc8016)
chore: update jest config to exclude type definition files from coverage (589c2b58)
test(accessibility): add test cases for accessibility utils (6f27cee8)
fix: update name of overflow stories of select, menu, combobox (e2ab96d9)
docs(combobox): update image for overflow behavior of option item (619cf381)
fix(table): update table selection behaviour in sync table (aa39ac56)
fix(table): update table selection behaviour in sync table (aa39ac56)
feat(table): add persistent selection support in table (7c07d6ac)
feat(listbox): update list item states with updated opacity token (d426a36e)
feat(table): update states of table with new opacity tokens (4a23a7e5)
feat(table): add persistent selection support in table (7c07d6ac)
feat(listbox): update list item states with updated opacity token (d426a36e)
feat(table): update states of table with new opacity tokens (4a23a7e5)
fix(editableDropdown): popover open issue with custom type on option selection (ba4fecff)
fix(tooltip): fix spelling mistakes in tooltip (777c9dd9)
docs(listbox): update the listbox state documentation (32ddf640)
docs(combobox): update option state documentation in combobox (81e55b64)
docs(opacity): add new opacity token guidelines (a533ce73)
feat(opacity): add new tokens for opacity (460fb565)
feat(opacity): add new tokens for opacity (460fb565)
fix(table): global action button alignment (5a04afaa)
docs(docs): add menu component documentation (088a90e4)
feat(menu): add new menu component (19010c36)
feat(table): add global action support in table (2d1b2eb1)
feat(daterangepicker): add reverse date range selection support (15a7febb)
feat(tooltip): show tooltip on text overflow (04ebe60e)
feat(menu): add new menu component (19010c36)
feat(table): add global action support in table (2d1b2eb1)
feat(daterangepicker): add reverse date range selection support (15a7febb)
feat(tooltip): show tooltip on text overflow (04ebe60e)
feat(select): add helptext and top label story (b0fa99f4)
feat(menu): add stories for default and destructive variant (0184d311)
feat(menu): update submenu context api (23473923)
docs(docs): add combobox documentation (71584bf8)
docs(select): add documentation of select component (4ded82a8)
docs(daterangepicker): add reverse date selection documentation for daterangepicker (58836ea8)
feat(combobox): add new combobox component (bd7993e1)
feat(avatarSelection): add new avatar selection component (8c408a0a)
feat(select): add new component select (90d37dd9)
feat(combobox): add new combobox component (bd7993e1)
feat(avatarSelection): add new avatar selection component (8c408a0a)
feat(select): add new component select (90d37dd9)
fix(calendar): ordering of days in calendar when firstDayOfWeek is passed (7a16f20a)
chore(select): show custom label when option selected is more than 2 in multiselect (85680e70)
docs(popover): add guideline for padding in popover (41281e11)
docs(avatar): add avatar selection guidelines (0e27b6c5)
fix(avatar): remove redundant class implementation in avatar (4b63de6c)
fix(avatar): remove redundant class implementation in avatar (4b63de6c)
feat(datepicker): add functionality to detect invalid manually entered dates in datepicker (bdf54a43)
fix(dateRangePicker): add validation for invalid date range (7e337673)
fix(avatargroup): update border color and popper body dimensions (51c648f0)
fix(datepicker): datePicker popover not opening in fullscreenModal (5238f1e8)
fix(datepicker): datePicker popover not opening in fullscreenModal (5238f1e8)
feat(datepicker): add functionality to detect invalid manually entered dates in datepicker (bdf54a43)
fix(dateRangePicker): add validation for invalid date range (7e337673)
fix(avatargroup): update border color and popper body dimensions (51c648f0)
feat(verticalNav): add expanded state in menu items (84635a2e)
feat(verticalNav): add expanded state in menu items (84635a2e)
fix(selection-card): update spacing between selection cards and action cards in story (f9580def)
docs(docs): update images and spacing documentation between interactive cards (f45c8873)
feat(avatargroup): add image and icon support in avatar group component (1c6c63c0)
feat(avatar): add square shape avatar support (09118a08)
feat(avatargroup): add images in avatar group stories (645bed48)
feat(avatargroup): add image and icon support in avatar group component (1c6c63c0)
feat(avatargroup): add images in avatar group stories (645bed48)
feat(avatar): add square shape avatar support (09118a08)
fix(docs): fix z-index for algolia search modal (5bcb01d1)
fix(metric-input): arrow button causes form to submit (71aa9257)
fix: add compatibility for resize in textarea for firefox browser (aed1a437)
docs(docs): update message, toast, and modal documentation (501d4bdc)
docs(docs): add shapes documentation in avatar (0c0ad3ab)
feat(textfield): add new textfield component (8d21fe15)
feat(avatar): add icon and image support (44c8b5ef)
feat(icon): add darker appearance support (b96e06c8
feat(textfield): add new textfield component (8d21fe15)
feat(avatar): add icon and image support (44c8b5ef)
feat(icon): add darker appearance support (b96e06c8)
test(docs): update cypress test for patterns (54c04204)
docs(docs): update icon appearances documentation (176fedf6)
docs(docs): add input with word count in input documentation (a714d804)
feat(tooltip): add support for conditional rendering to show tooltip (3737d2ac)
feat(table): embed codesandbox for table filter pattern in storybook (210bb99b)
feat(tooltip): add support for conditional rendering to show tooltip (3737d2ac)
feat(table): embed codesandbox for table filter pattern in storybook (210bb99b)
fix(popperwrapper): update popper close animation (90d668b6)
fix(editableDropdown): fix rendering issue on close without selection (0a9e7cde)
fix(docs): update cypress test cases (1b9b5dcc)
test(dateRangePicker): update the snapshots for dateRangePicker (84aa4a2e)
docs(docs): add status for data visualizations page (47df871d)
docs(docs): add table filter documentation in patterns (bd17c539)
fix(dropdown): update search input in empty option list (2cc73fe2)
fix(dropdown): update search input in empty option list (2cc73fe2)
feat(listbox): add new listbox component (6aca3733)
feat(listbox): add new listbox component (6aca3733)
feat(docs): update SatisMeter configs (0706d874)
feat(docs): update SatisMeter configs (0706d874)
fix(docs): fix data visualization link and navigation (f949c535)
fix(docs): fix tab navigation for data visualization page (d9ddda6e)
docs(docs): add color in overview page in data visualization tab (c006cba2)
fix(dropdown): update error state template for async dropdown (6f59e682)
fix(dropdown): update error state template for async dropdown (558f788b)
docs(docs): add line charts documentation (a33bf4e6)
docs(docs): add donut chart in visualizations, change tab name (76ba6e93)
docs(docs): add color documentation
fix(datepicker): update today date chip’s disabled state in datepicker component (6c3e7dc6)
fix(Icon): update material symbols classes and codesandbox link for migration from material icons to material symbols (99c20250)
fix(datepicker): update today date chip’s disabled state in datepicker component (6c3e7dc6)
fix(Icon): update material symbols classes and codesandbox link for migration from material icons to material symbols (99c20250)
docs(docs): update pageheader with back button and spacing guidelines (3d1b8e9f)
feat(pageheader): add back button option and optimize spacing (cddc4250)
fix(icon): update mapping for outlined icon (f979c415)
feat(pageheader): add back button option and optimize spacing (cddc4250)
fix(icon): update mapping for outlined icon (f979c415)
fix(dropdown): update error state for async dropdown (ebee4c37)
docs(docs): update interactions in foundations tab (b5d68681)
docs(docs): add email preview image in overview page (e6aa3903)
docs(dropdown): add error and empty states guidelines (23921525)
docs(docs): add documentation for interactive cards (807e63d9)
feat(card): add selection card component (c88947a8)
feat(Icon): migration to material symbols from material icons (55ea8882)
feat: add iconType prop in components to switch between icon types (16c567a1)
feat(dropdown): add error and empty state template in dropdown component (3f84aa6b)
feat(card): add selection card component (c88947a8)
feat(Icon): migration to material symbols from material icons (55ea8882)
feat: add iconType prop in components to switch between icon types (16c567a1)
feat(dropdown): add error and empty state template in dropdown component (3f84aa6b)
feat(table): add story for column sorting for number type values (3dc74351)
feat(metricInput): add icon variations property in metric input component (3469d1b7)
feat(linkButton): add icon variations property in link button component (1c51679b)
feat(chip): add icon variations property in chip component (9770c92a)
feat(chipGroup): add icon variations property in chip group component (53682f18)
feat(chip): add icon variations property in chip input component (cf29c673)
feat(input): add icon variations property in input component (59902576)
feat(verticalNav): add icon variations property in vertical nav component (828a7066)
feat(horizontalNav): add icon variations property in horizontal nav component (d058d919)
feat(tab): add icon variations property in tab component (b3a6615a)
feat(dropdown): add icon variations property in dropdown component (bfcae4bd)
feat(metalist): add icon variations property in metalist component (ce7daba2)
feat(metricInput): add icon variations property in metric input component (3469d1b7)
feat(linkButton): add icon variations property in link button component (1c51679b)
feat(chip): add icon variations property in chip component (9770c92a)
feat(chipGroup): add icon variations property in chip group component (53682f18)
feat(chip): add icon variations property in chip input component (cf29c673)
feat(input): add icon variations property in input component (59902576)
feat(verticalNav): add icon variations property in vertical nav component (828a7066)
feat(horizontalNav): add icon variations property in horizontal nav component (d058d919)
feat(tab): add icon variations property in tab component (b3a6615a)
feat(dropdown): add icon variations property in dropdown component (bfcae4bd)
feat(metalist): add icon variations property in metalist component (ce7daba2)
feat(icon): migration to material symbols from material icons (b4677f51)
feat(card): add action card component (1f6f2a86)
feat(icon): material icons are migrated to material symbols. Need to update the test snapshots to update icon name (if used anywhere). (b4677f51)
feat(icon): migration to material symbols from material icons (b4677f51)
feat(card): add action card component (1f6f2a86)
feat(button): add icon variations property in button component (615bde8f)
feat(input): add icon variations property in action button in input component (336dc41e)
fix(datepicker): update selection chip to action chip in preset story in patterns (db5d8275)
fix(dateRangePicker): fix range selection behaviour (2181bf0c)
fix(chipinput): update chipinput error state (f5aa019d)
fix(input): update icon to icon component in action button (336dc41e)
chore(deps-dev): bump word-wrap from 1.2.3 to 1.2.5 (a0f9cd0e)
style(text): add text alignment css classes (f64a919)
feat(timepicker): add error state support for timepicker (9b1078a5)
style(text): add text alignment css classes (f64a919)
feat(timepicker): add error state support for timepicker (9b1078a5)
fix(chipInput): update chipInput background of hover state (e330274)
fix(toast): fix height of toast action icon (e73b5ef4)
fix(toast): fix toast right icon spacing (bd9cfdb5)
fix(packages): update package-lock file (2b05ef23)
docs(toast): add usage guidelines for overuse and actions of toast (645be26)
feat(chip): add label prefix prop for custom label (3bce8c32)
feat(chip): add label prefix prop for custom label (3bce8c32)
fix(avatar): update mouse pointer cursor to default on hover on avatar (a58add0a)
fix(table): add limit to call nested row renderer function (7f3e0aba)
fix(label): fix overflow behaviour of label with required indicator (f4ad093f)
fix(toast): update description overflow behaviour (aee04fa3)
fix(calendar): fix height of calendar and datepicker (78dcd91a)
fix(inputmask): update action icon states (c1b23ff1)
fix(chipinput): update horizontal-vertical spacing and action icon state (8d1d37e4)
fix(editableinput): replace text with inline message inside error popover (3ba15748)
docs(docs): update size of calendar and datepicker in docs (84c18281)
feat(radio): add keyboard accessibility for radio component (f78b2e12)
feat(docs): add Algolia doc search support on documentation site (e5d8fb76)
feat(stories): stories are grouped in storybook and mdx file (01477a4d)
feat(avatargroup): add tiny size in avatar group (459739fc)
feat(radio): add keyboard accessibility for radio component (f78b2e12)
feat(docs): add Algolia doc search support on documentation site (e5d8fb76)
feat(stories): stories are grouped in storybook and mdx file (01477a4d)
feat(avatargroup): add tiny size in avatar group (459739fc)
fix(checkbox): update font weight in tiny checkbox component (4e85e984)
fix(docs): fix live preview width in documentation site (092d2cc8)
docs(badge): update documentation for hover on badge component (59b1cad2)
feat(collapsible): update state for collapsible footer (f8de839b)
feat(paragraph): add color support in paragraph component (a58fb784)
feat(heading): add color support in heading component (192582ad)
feat(subheading): add color support in subheading component (6a6d0ba9)
feat(helptext): add stories for helptext component (73250c26)
feat(statusHint): add overflow behaviour of label (2f2ce04b)
feat(stepper): add state for stepper component (e7f22270)
feat(input): add subcomponent action button for right icon (7e42ddd5)
feat(metricinput): add onKeyDown prop (494fa050)
feat(collapsible): update state for collapsible footer (f8de839b)
feat(paragraph): add color support in paragraph component (a58fb784)
feat(heading): add color support in heading component (192582ad)
feat(subheading): add color support in subheading component (6a6d0ba9)
feat(helptext): add stories for helptext component (73250c26)
feat(statusHint): add overflow behaviour of label (2f2ce04b)
feat(stepper): add state for stepper component (e7f22270)
feat(input): add subcomponent action button for right icon (7e42ddd5)
feat(metricinput): add onKeyDown prop (494fa050)
fix(link): update tiny link alignment and stories (8c9c1aab)
fix(dropzone): update link with linkButton inside sampleFileLink (3a85f6c0)
fix(slider): update cursor for disabled state and fix stories (c092423a)
fix(rangeSlider): update cursor for disabled state and fix stories (8f1b02a3)
fix(radio): update spacing in radio group and fix stories (0f3af373)
fix(link): update disabled focus state (74c48596)
fix(sidesheet): update footer,body animation,seperator color and stories (54573a2a)
fix(dropdown): update selection label and padding (d5ba8673)
fix(tab): fix height, spacing & stories in tab component (ce9b3f59)
fix(collapsible): add shadow to open panel on hover event (e7d8c5ed)
fix(metalist): remove icon, label & separator appearance (412ceb5e)
fix(inlineMessage): align the icon alignment to top for long messages (c099eda7)
fix(input): update paddings,labels,lefticon color and readonly tabindex (66d656e1)
fix(breadcrumbs): update breadcrumb height and stories (bd3456c6)
fix(dropzone): update icon size, animation and border spacing in background image (b047ea9b)
fix(chip): fix chip custom icon spacing and disabled state (292cbff9)
fix(message): update action link to linkButton (d96e9a85)
fix(textarea): update cursor over scroll and shadow on active state (6db7fbac)
fix(dropdown): update option grouping logic (8d296c16)
fix(metricinput): update decimal operation logic (c9218f72)
fix(stepper): update stories in stepper component (c2f3ea22)
fix(popover): update popover stories (492c60c7)
fix(chipGroup): update chip group stories and prop table (6de5cad5)
fix(datepicker): update stories for datepicker component (529733b3)
fix(docs): fix width of live preview component (4df27509)
docs(docs): add typography color guidelines (8779a191)
feat(linkButton): add new link button component (3de23b6e)
feat(progressBar): add small size variant in progress bar (9f9e77d4)
fix(switch): deprecate large size variant (8a85def2)
fix(spinner): deprecate appearances for spinner (0139c2e0)
fix(inlineMessage): fix story & deprecate default appearance (e3ad0741)
feat(metalist): add size prop for metalist component (4888de49)
feat(tabs): add prop for tab header custom classname (fe54da87)
feat(label): add info icon in label component (8b39db3)
fix(switch): deprecate large size variant (8a85def2)
fix(spinner): deprecate appearances for spinner (0139c2e0)
fix(inlineMessage): fix story & deprecate default appearance (e3ad0741)
feat(linkButton): add new link button component (3de23b6e)
feat(progressBar): add small size variant in progress bar (9f9e77d4)
feat(metalist): add size prop for metalist component (4888de49)
feat(tabs): add prop for tab header custom classname (fe54da87)
feat(label): add info icon in label component (8b39db3)
fix(button): fix text overflow behaviour in button (cf3c5185)
fix(toast): fix spacing and stories of toast component (c549647e)
fix(inputmask): update placeholder and helptext (35e92647)
fix(placeholder): fix border radius and stories (433967e1)
fix(pagination): add debounce for entering page (cc2a60e3)
fix(modal): update modal footer top and bottom padding (7bdb008a)
fix(metalist): update default color to subtle of meta icon (1b6ef7c0)
fix(multislider): update design for slider & rangeslider (276342b2)
fix(multislider): update border-radius of progress bar (276342b2)
fix(multislider): add precision to label in tooltip (276342b2)
fix(multislider): update color for disabled progress bar (276342b2)
fix(fullscreenModal): update padding for header,body and footer (5f436576)
fix(fullscreenModal): fix spacing between overlayHeader buttons (5f436576)
fix(fullscreenModal): replace keyboard_backspace icon with arrow_back icon inside overlayHeader back button (5f436576)
fix(tab): update focus state for inactive tabs (3250124c)
fix(modal): update backdropClose and closeOnEscape functionality (493cc3bf)
fix(EditableInput): fix icon size for action button (b54020ca)
fix(choiceList): fix proptable and add className (b4572e98)
fix(choiceList): update spacing between label and options in choicelist (c7cd2118)
fix(sidesheet): update backdropClose and closeOnEscape functionality (6d6bc53c)
fix(table): fix onSearch event trigger for error prop (c9e4c15b)
fix(overlayHeader): update icon size in back button (79155c18)
fix(tooltip): update tooltip padding, animation and opacity (cf6667f3)
fix(chipInput): prevent chip input text from transform to lowercase (73888d2e)
fix(dropzone): fix background for disabled state (1df198d)
fix(calendar): update active state of selected date (4cd082a)
fix(horizontalNav): update text weight and focus state and stories (2174da0)
fix(label): update icon size and stories (6a7425e)
fix(docpage): update docpage code preview component for height and showhide issues (791c86b7)
fix(storybook): fix spacing for storybook live preview (24ab023a)
fix(badge): update stories for badge component (eb1b2d23)
fix(button): fix stories for button component (d21a82f8)
fix(card): update stories for card component (adc90007)
fix(divider): update stories for divider component (b35defed)
fix(heading): fix stories for heading component (7f9bc254)
fix(text): fix stories for text component (42b284a8)
fix(paragraph): update stories for paragraph component (cd421f8a)
fix(subheading): update stories for subheading component (a301e3c7)
fix(pill): update stories for pill component (54efe651)
fix(spinner): update stories for spinner (e22026f9)
fix(progressRing): update stories for progress ring component (9ad18cba)
fix(pageheader): update pageheader stories (be1ce558)
fix(editableDropdown): update border-radius inside customRenderer story (387d9cae)
fix(message): update stories for message component (49a78dd3)
fix(modal): update modal stories (46ac7d8b)
fix(pagination): update pagination stories (d96582b4)
fix(metricInput): update metricInput stories (b8390eda)
fix(icon): update icon stories (74cf97dd)
fix(statusHint): update stories for status hint component (810cf87b)
fix(checkbox): update story contents and their groups (029c0f56)
fix(fullscreenModal): update stories (5f436576)
fix(calendar): fix calendar stories (bdb2a76)
fix(switch): fix stories for switch component (13fcc71)
docs(docs): update hyperlink in mobile foundations tab (b213481b)
docs(docs): update interactions in dropdown component (610a263c)
docs(linkButton): add documentation of link button (33a2b7e7)
docs(docs): update image in link button component (58d16d6d)
fix(divider): update header divider background (4ccc7de5)
fix(pagination): update pagination to prevent decimal values for page (ad7cee98)
fix(divider): update header divider color (4ccc7de5)
fix(pagination): update pagination to prevent decimal values for page (ad7cee98)
docs(tooltip): update usage guidelines for tooltip in documentation (b90ca8e2)
docs(popover): update guidelines for tooltip vs popover in documentation (851b1717)
fix(dropdown): fix option list for all selected options in fetch function (8399f2c5)
fix(dropdown): fix option list for all selected options in fetch function (8399f2c5)
fix(backdrop): update 80% opacity with 60% opacity in backdrop component (bc46072c)
fix(badge): update subtle text appearances of badge component (3c1c2b47)
fix(backdrop): update 80% opacity with 60% opacity (bc46072c)
fix(badge): update subtle text appearances of badge component (3c1c2b47)
docs(badge): update documentation with hover and statusHint vs badge comparison (e7b69672)
docs(statusHint): update documentation with statusHint vs badge comparison (d928e95d)
docs(table): update documentation with data alignment guideline (7270caea)
docs(content): update house rules documentation (203dd85f)
fix(card): add new shadows in card component (165740cd)
fix(docs): fix scroll issue with sticky tabs (b26110d7)
fix(card): add new shadows in card component (165740cd)
fix(tooltip): update animation delay property in tooltip component (b391f26c)
feat(docs): add functionality to preview images using Light box on documentation site (970fe8bc)
fix(input): update copy-paste behavior of dates in Input for DatePicker and DateRangePicker component (925af578)
feat(docs): add functionality to preview images using Light box on documentation site (970fe8bc)
fix(input): update copy-paste behavior of dates in Input for DatePicker and DateRangePicker component (925af578)
fix(chip): fix disabled and active state for all types of Chip component and update focus state for input Chip component (46d09832)
fix(calendar): update hover and active states for Calendar and DateRangePicker component (e7007a91)
fix(toast): update states for close action icon in Toast component (9dcb30e6)
fix(switch): update states and shadow for knob in Switch component (6325915e)
feat(dropdown): add different placeholder sizes in loading state of Dropdown component (5944d391)
docs(docs): update documentation and usage guidelines for Chips component (46d09832)
feat(docs): add satismeter feedback form support (f880e6a8)
feat(checkbox): add error state in checkbox (f9677fd5)
feat(docs): add satismeter feedback form support (f880e6a8)
feat(checkbox): add error state in checkbox (f9677fd5)
fix(docs): update cypress test for images (3108592d)
fix(dropdown): add support to enable apply button on same option label selection(0e743737)
fix(fileList): update color of other file type (72704373)
fix(checkbox): replace checkbox icons with svg (6e179d5f)
fix(stepper): update state of stepper item (e224df82)
fix(horizontalNav): update focus ring on disabled state (9be66388)
feat(input): add states of custom icon button in input (4a495e69)
feat(chip): add states of custom icon button in chip (91618a30)
feat(tabs): add states of custom icon button in tabs (d9c9f1d7)
fix(dateRangePicker): add support for same start date and end date selection (9b4c3d3b)
fix(verticalNav): fix overlap of scrollbar on verticalNav (0e7a64f2)
fix(collapsible): update width for collapsible component (1c34ba4d)
fix(verticalNav): update state of selected nav item (8096a27e)
fix(chip): update states for chip component (ed42215b)
fix(slider): update slider states (19ba41c1)
docs(slider): update images for slider (d03f8980)
feat(sizing): add classes of height and width (c6f8a266)
docs(stories): 50% of the stories containing a style tag in example code are refactored to use utility css or custom css.
fix(security): fixes done to achieve better secure packages in docs site. (ac4f6ccf)
chore(navigation): deprecate navigation component (b3d39694)
feat(sizing): add classes of height and width (c6f8a266)
fix(dropdown): update callback function call on selected value in menu variant (56e94168)
fix(tabs): center alignment of icons in tabs (46cc2be5)
fix(grid): update zIndex of pinned column (53a026cc)
fix(datepicker): update snapshots for current date (ef159f3f)
fix(horizontalNav): update active state of selected nav item (3e3dbc6e)
fix(dropdown): update state of dropdown option (4ea89199)
fix(button): update active state of selected button (a663621c)
fix(security): fix vulnerability in docs site (ac4f6ccf)
fix(actions): add test job for docs site after deployment (8d6bbe31)
fix(actions): move test job to release workflow (cb5e102f)
docs(docs): update documentation for forms (6d18cf63)
fix(stories): remove all the style tags used in stories and use utility classnames or custom styling through css file. (table, popover, dropdown, metricInput, editableInput, pageHeader, editableDropdown, chipInput, textarea, icon, verticalNav, horizontalNav, fullScreenModal, editableChipInput, placeholderImage, outsideClick, input) (92c90326), (31c4193b), (5093578c), (31321607), (70cdce77), (a560bf1c), (aa29e6b4), (2ae42136), (0534ba66), (82171633), (e9ab9446), (314bf858), (2741559e), (4c946538), (aa6b63da), (fc9b4892), (bee675c7)
docs(site): tabs on page stick under top navigation bar while scrolling the page, which provides ability to switch tabs quickly. (f00e7669) (0a7bdafc)
docs(stories): 50% of the stories containing a style tag in example code are refactored to use utility css or custom css.
fix(security): fixes done to achieve better secure packages.
feat(breadcrumb): add capability to truncate long labels (dfabc05f)
feat(chip): add capability to customize chip labels (d9a55db1)
fix(workflow): remove redundant storybook build stage to reduce pipeline build time on Pull requests. (ba03e645)
fix(storybook): fix style of prop table for storybook docs page. (e411d5ec)
fix(security): upgrade version of dependencies for security (2e84cfe5)
fix(security): actions/check-release-commit/package.json & actions/check-release-commit/package-lock.json to reduce vulnerabilities (b117bbb7)
fix(dropdown): disable action buttons on option loading state (5e5b4858)
fix(link): update link style to avoid flickering issue (12f60c5f)
fix(popover, sidesheet, modal): fix layering of nested components (45a702a9) (6b1a1138) (aa59e294)
fix(choiceList): update spacing between label and choices (500d6567)
test(docs): add E2E testing for components page on documentation site. (2d5a43cf)
fix(stories): remove all the style tags used in stories and use utility classnames or custom styling through css file. (card, grid, list, message, avatarGroup, emptyState, button, text, collapsible, table, checkbox, modal, pagination, placeholder, calendar, dateRangePicker, popover) (c7c69b9d) (e3bcd647) (3f0e6a5e) (148635dd) (16afbfaf) (059ca284) (ff3eb78c) (a5159319) (517314c8) (3b96d9a0) (53bb1ed8) (cd76e0e4) (311c5db0) (9b84365f) (bff9b690) (c37982c5) (69d910c0)
docs(docs): remove irrelevant images from email in patterns (b1f7e98f)
docs(docs): add email in patterns tab (af0b5279)
docs(backdrop): add trigger button to show backdrop in story (2b5a8cc8)
docs(dropdown): update description of fetchOptions prop in proptable (b75d502f)
docs(docs): update layout documnetation in foundations (43958e11)
docs(dropzone): update format label as per the accept prop in stories (fb6d4f43)
docs(docs): update image in states page of doc site (f56dba13)
docs(docs): update images in inline editable fields component (1b0f206f)
docs(site): pinning tabs on the top while scrolling (f00e7669) (0a7bdafc)
fix(Table): nested row alignment on column drag (1f44df89)
fix(dropdown): update height of dropdown on search event (75ef2b3b)
feat(table): add option for custom label on row selection (fa1d31a5)
docs(docs): update documentation in breadcrumb component (cca763a9)
docs(docs): update documentation in tabs component (3259d2d3)
fix(dropdown): prevention of callback for already selected option item (a06279ba)
fix(Table): nested row alignment on column drag (daa8a88a)
fix(stepper): update styles and animation (ff2fe73c)
docs(docs): add states in foundation tab (589f95fd)
fix(docs): fix release notes section on homepage (cda32ab7)
feat(Radio): radio input states (9a35fb28)
feat(timepicker): add timepicker component with fuzzy search (9cf46dd8)
feat(dropzone): add support for csv, xlss & xls, file (2d5826a4)
feat(horizontalNav): add transition in horizontal navigation (8463c621)
feat(inlineMessage): add size prop in inline message component (22f73895)
feat(progressIndicator): add transition in progress bar and ring (b80cbfd8)
feat(link): update link state (322150d2)
feat(text): add color support in text component (d5a984a4)
fix(radio): state related issues (ae618687)
fix(tabs): update states for tabs component (7cc5d5ea)
fix(fileList): use transition token in css files (a79aab09)
fix(backdrop): use transition token in css files (b084fc5a)
fix(story): replace style with className (1ea50d39)
fix(daterangepicker): add spacing in withinput story (7742b09e)
fix(dropdown): option list default state (0c396270)
fix(breadcrumb): replace style tag with classname in stories (82f030c7)
fix(verticalNav): replace style tag with classname in stories (e681256d)
fix(verticalNav): update state for vertical nav component (b88842d8)
fix(caption): replace caption component with helptext (d1b85b4c)
fix: tsx files linter (22ca254b)
fix(verticalNav): pills color (6beadf3c)
fix(chip): update chip state (db27e9ab)
fix(dropdown): update state (501f81e6)
fix(input): style changes in input states (80a6bf8e)
fix(button): update button states (94e5af0c)
fix(table): increase height of table in story (5b172710)
fix(horizontalNav): update state for horizontal nav component (2a4915f3)
fix(pageheader): pageheader spacing and badge shrink (a9f8acdd)
fix(calendar): story break on Show code (48b8f654)
fix(metricInput): suffix spacing when enabled (97524726)
fix(DropdownList): react hooks error with checkbox (79d38d53)
fix(button): icon button group story tooltip issue (2703f5b0)
fix(breadcrumb): update state of icon button (eca7beb3)
fix(table): fix drag and drop of pinned column (df7a262d)
fix(metricInput): update states for actions (183113e0)
fix(dropzone): update icons to svg (60d722c9)
fix(dropdown): pointer on disabled option (013b006e)
fix(DropdownList): selection behaviour outside label (18960408)
fix(datepicker): fast typing input issue (dd5aa1ab)
fix(dropzone): add support for audio-video file types (af9dda9a)
fix(dropdown): invisible subtext in menu dropdown after click (9c8b4839)
fix(verificationCodeInput): add type prop for input component (c60759f1)
fix(materialIcons): update material icon fonts file (4a312228)
fix(toast): change warning icon (54764a45)
fix(table): fix border and spacing for nested rows in table (6909cef4)
fix(dropdown): fix typescript warning in dropdown test file (4a778925)
fix(Table): cell overflow on cell type status hint (66d3ad93)
fix(datepicker): update children as optional prop (10897cab)
fix(verticalNav): wrap menuitem in anchor tag (1a7c7bdc)
fix(story): fix linter issues for javascript files (235223ed)
test(timepicker): remove invalid test case (eab2c1d7)
style(timepicker): add transition class for active options (529cfff9)
fix(tooltip): set tooltip open state to false in story (debf4ad4)
fix(checkbox): checkbox alignment story (a44ef41d)
fix(dropdown): add dropdown label story (05a1b2b9)
fix(calendar): story structure in date view (77d7e88d)
fix(horizontalnav): update css for the header of left aligned story (9a3f745f)
fix(pageheader): fix padding class for header seperator of pageheader story (401254eb)
fix(table): fix multiline content of button in description list story (b681759d)
fix(metricinput): update focus state (0f28d36f)
fix(sidesheet): two step outside click issue fix (5f40ec16)
fix(pageheader): remove dot seperator from level1 stepper story (21b66a3e)
fix(datepicker): set story at open state for popover (55e4500a)
fix(dropdown): remove animation from dropdown option items (fae62d93)
fix(sidesheet): set story to open from page one for multistep variant (3cd6691f)
fix(dropdown): update css of search tab (7a6e444d)
fix(icon): update src for image variant (d2991717)
fix(loaders): fixes placeholder image loaders (b72afc4c)
docs(docs): update alt text in components (3ac2b5c8)
docs(docs): add caption in toast compoent (b775fc88)
docs(docs): add caption in timepicker component (d08149db)
docs(docs): update alt text in table component (92bfee43)
docs(docs): update alt text in rich text editor component (10444d71)
docs(docs): update caption in avatar component (775fcc96)
test(docs): add cypress test for patterns page (8bcac84b)
fix(docs): update font size of toc (fd9c503c)
test(docs): integrate cypress setup and test (a60f058f)
fix(docs): fix css padding for footer component (bd304ad9)
fix(daterangepicker): fix error state on blur event (fcc00594)
fix(daterangepicker): fix dateRangePicker input freeze (c98352c0)
fix(popover): fix boundary element story (ca351ed5)
fix(metricInput): fix default metric input story (0eb7e111)
fix(docs): update distribution id for docs-dev (6e21010d)
fix(docs): update distribution id for docs-dev (6c23c6ed)
feat(docs): add component images (3f9e1fc4)
feat(docs): add helptext component (4601c1e0)
fix(timepicker): fix placeholder value getting disappear (1ac69560)
fix(modal): fix modal closing animation (d0236cfe)
fix(popover): fix popover animation flickering issue (3c01529b)
fix(inputMask): fix cursor position on input mask (cbd7f31a)
fix(grid): fix grid loading state (aa3672bb)
fix(grid): fix loading state in grid (0a8719d5)
fix(datepicker): reset to default on blur state (d5565fd2)
fix(docs): remove checkbox from mobile nav (3d4aa0f1)
fix(datePicker): fix event handlers for datepicker (f79e3c29)
fix(docs): fix links on mobile overview page (17e621ba)
fix(docs): add missing images (17483411)
docs(docs): add checkbox in mobile (929861d6)
docs(docs): add help text in web components (c5e9fd8a)
fix(timepicker): fix placeholder value getting disappear (1ac69560)
fix(modal): fix modal closing animation (d0236cfe)
fix(popover): fix popover animation flickering issue (3c01529b)
fix(inputMask): fix cursor position on input mask (cbd7f31a)
fix(grid): fix grid loading state (aa3672bb)
fix(grid): fix loading state in grid (0a8719d5)
fix(datepicker): reset to default on blur state (d5565fd2)
fix(docs): remove checkbox from mobile nav (3d4aa0f1)
fix(datePicker): fix event handlers for datepicker (f79e3c29)
fix(docs): fix links on mobile overview page (17e621ba)
fix(docs): add missing images (17483411)
docs(docs): add checkbox in mobile (929861d6)
docs(docs): add help text in web components (c5e9fd8a)
(docs): add design for no results in components search (5594cb28)
(docs): add design for 404 page (4dfef4de)
(docs) : add copy to clipboard for codeblocks and headings (78cb4501)
(DateRangePicker): popover not closing on range selection (b5597056)
(doc): fix tooltip message while copying code on introduction page (58a7c313)
(docs): fix page layout overflow scroll to auto (93176391)
(chips): fix input chips hover and selection and active chips border (e64d8e85)
(docs) fix actionsheet navigation issue (1ab2ed4f)
(toast): fix toast close button width (ee95e19f)
(docs): fix description in container (9f826bcc)
(docs): fix font family for react tab in show code (3933bb9f)
(docs): fix scroll jump in right nav bar (549ce214)
(input): update input icon appearance (1b1e1e1a)
(docs): add separate navigation for mobile and web components (97632861)
(docs): fix leftnav highlight on tab changes (4bee0cfb)
(docs): updated images in web overview (7292d892)
(docs): update front-matter for components and patterns (24fabc67)
(docs): add content for lists in mobile (7952a33b)
(docs): add documentation for dialogs in mobile (addeef3e)
(docs): add documentation for inputs in mobile (d7267f29)
(docs): add content for page headers in mobile (4a1e4898)
(docs): add documentation for chips in mobile (dc6deb57)
(docs): add documentation for cards in mobile (de6766c4)
(docs): add content for radio in mobile (067fd7b7)
(docs): add content for switch in mobile (02e91667)
(docs): add content for tabs in mobile (c5b7ab5b)
(docs): add content for toast in mobile (6e756ddd)
(docs): update empty state for description (9fffbe8a)
(docs): update email-guidlines md files (a358874e)
(docs) add documentation for bottom sheet in mobile (8ad96de9)
(docs): update error-messages md file (3b77abe1)
(docs): update placeholder-text md file (25f8dbbb)
(docs): add content for layouts (285bb162)
(docs): add alt text in an image in forms (d01d33a8)
(docs):Added content for Patterns - Forms (22077e0c)
(docs): add content for page headers (d9ffab58)
(docs): Added content for UI states (4344340d)
(docs) add documentation for buttons in mobile (59bbfea1)
(docs) add documentation of action sheet (6587a47e)
(docs): update email guidelines content (c6220015)
(docs): update error messages content (b2dd0586)
(docs): update empty states content (2b7156d4)
(docs): add documentation for navigation, meta list, pagination (2a9cb91f)
(docs): added content for file uploader (ec8ffca3)
feat: adds docs site (44ab33d3)
feat(verticalNav): add custom item renderer option (810a099f)
feat: adds docs site (44ab33d3)
feat(verticalNav): add custom item renderer option (810a099f)
fix(verticalnav): fix verticalnav active hover state shadow (1b341516)
fix(button): fix button hover background color (1e696743)
fix(button): fix button hover and focus style (795ae48b)
fix(dropdown): fix dropdown items closing animation (dc8c6102)
fix(tabs): fix tabs conflict in selected focused state style (fa4ff904)
fix(toast): add message to discription story (1cac895d)
fix(button): props table not showing (70ac3e39)
fix(leftNav): fix left navbar highlighting on tab changes (d836a42e)
fix(table): add border in table for mdx and fix overflow behaviour (233293ed)
fix(table): make scrollbar width consistent (af5da8f6)
fix(table): fix table data issue when rows are more than 27 (b33aafc1)
Adds documentations for components.
Fix chip inline alignment problem (253ba672)
Fix progressbar background color (938be99b)
Fix disabled slider knob shadow (aff1ddb6)
Fix broken alignment due to inlineLabel in Dropdown (d7b51053)
Resolve tooltip close issue on disabled button (cc0c693d)
Add popover transitions (f1873f65)
Add support for three characters in Avatar component (ba6bc35b)
Button: appearance “success” is deprecated, please use “primary” (375c9aef)
Fileuploader component is deprecated, please use Dropzone type=“tight” (c5d8ef43)
Toast: appearance “default” is deprecated, please use “info” (d589cf6f)
Message: appearance “default” is deprecated, please use “info” (3cd54421)
Option to use custom search placeholder in Dropdown search input (9fcb2b65)
Adds keyboard interactions in Dropzone component. (8541a26d)
Adds subinfo option when checkbox is true Dropdown (96a581a3)
Adds transition to switch component (f8cbba79)
Transition in sidesheet component added (8c61ef05)
fix: updates docpage for stories without components exported (d5138109)
fix(storybook): update package json file to fix storybook docs page (149f8ec8)
fix(InputMask): fixes issue with fast input (4d1f8330)
fix(switch): add styling for hover and active state (3a54a934)
Button re-rendering issue is fixed, which was sometimes causing button to be clicked twice. (6b46d66f)
FileList truncates long file names now. (0c2a07b6)
Breadcrumbs separator color updated. (5b88f5c5)
Fixed loader issue when Table has nested rows. (f41f7f96)
Added transitions to fullscreenModal component (98cac857)
Selected state for a disabled chips is now visible (c619c571)
Example for custom header in sidesheet added (edc300cc)
Input examples (stories) are interactive now (ead16746)
add npm ci command to use package.lock freezed versions on CI environments on github actions (621d0934)
updates versions of dev dependencies for security issues (3c3d5288)
adds manual release workflow (e31559d3)
Calender exposes onHover events on date month and year values (bcaa4aed)
New component Divider is added (7dc6034d)
Library is now compatible with Node version 14.x LTS (33c736fd)
Datepicker has example for date presets for date selections (d1a0f30c)
Switch and Button components are new accessible (AA) (1b64c361)
Calender exposes onHover events on date month and year values (bcaa4aed)
New component Divider is added (7dc6034d)
Navigation center alignment bug is fixed in Pageheader component (c6c08ba4)
Chip component’s pointer style is fixed for hovering (01f2f9fc)
Design of Calendar component is improved (e4ea85df)
Options with checkbox in dropdown can have truncated text now. (c4e8f3a3)
Text height of InlineMessage is corrected. (00bbd7e6)
Table search results going blank is now fixed. (d2a96002)
Table cell can render and position the dropdown inside properly. (3dea79b4)
Library is now compatible with Node version 14.x LTS (33c736fd)
Accessibility linting plugin is added. (6fbb5883)
A now component ChoiceList is added to use group of check box or radio inputs to work as a choice selector (2d9bb1ed)
Calendar and DatePicker has new design and features for today date selection now. (7c3df346)
All existing contributors are added to Readme, an option to create request for getting added as contributor and documentation for the same is added. (07db26e9)
A now component ChoiceList is added to use group of check box or radio inputs to work as a choice selector (2d9bb1ed)
New helper classes for applying border or removing border of an element are added. (7675c8b3)
Calendar and DatePicker has new design and features for today date selection now. (7c3df346)
EmptyState component now supports inline SVG image. (863d69b0)
Added previous and next month dates in current month ’s date in Calendar Component (4fe810bf)
fix(button.css): fix active state in transparent button (1c499f0d)
fix(nestedtable): fix expand and collapse button issue (be69d5e5)
Issue in scrolling horizontally on a Table body not scrolled table header is resolved. (e71ea1c2)
Icons on Table header and column menu to sort the table are now pointed in correct directions. (718a1a37)
DateRangePicker pattern example now uses selection cheap in stead of radios for pre defined date range selections. (a1d0ee53)
Table/Grid horizontal scrolling issue is fixed. (a6949715)
Modal is now vertically centered and can have flexible heights. (ef6072a7)
Dropzone icon is visible now when we bring mouse to drop file over it. (5ba93be9)
Fixes the table header scroll when table body scroll (502cb1d1)
Fixes the Tabs Component rendering issue with checking children component type (8525a4e7)
Fixes the Datepicker snapshot which was getting updated as date changes (c001e925)
Improved test coverage to cover more than 92% of the code base.
FileUploader component example is now more interactive (509a9053)
Navigation is more structured on story book for css and other utilities (56999d6b)
Message component example improved for versatile use-cases. (16fe6be6)
Readme is structured and updated for easy to access the required information (7d9c262d)
All existing contributors are added to Readme, an option to create request for getting added as contributor and documentation for the same is added. (07db26e9)
Guideline for branch naming convention added. (1ef3cd96)
Automated the process of types bundling (21f435b0)
A new InlineMessage Component has been added (f852b2a8)
Added the events indicator on given date in Calendar Component (4714efa2)
A Chip has been added to Datepicker Component to select today’s date (ee9e47e0)
Tooltip in Icon Button Component has been added (f9f14233)
Removes the events type Array from Calendar Component (41abf4ef)
zIndex for Backdrop Component has been fixed (055edb09)
Border radius of Card Component has been fixed (c113a568)
New Stories has been added to EmptyState Component and updated the existing story (af83ea74)
Height of the Input field has been fixed when focus in EditableChipInput Component (bbb4f256)
Added test cases for InputMask Component (e0f37b99)
Added test cases for FileList Component (b36a44f1)
Added test cases for Dropdown Component options and loading state (1cb98e93)
Improve padding of close button in overlays header (4d4965b9)
Fixes nested rows losing their open state in grid (aed5b032)
Adds test cases for FileUploaderComponent (5604656c)
Adds test cases for TimePicker component (4e776a46)
Adds test cases for ChatMessage Component (0443446c)
Adds test cases for slider component (fa82992a)
Adds test cases for DateRangePicker component (8c5abb26)
Embeds rich text editor storybook (f3a469da)
Adds Close on Escape Keypress feature in Overlays (c2904387)
Fixes arrow click event argument in MetricInput (e4cf0bc5)
Adds default state delete functionality in EditableChipInput (3a8415f7)
Fixes done button and adds support for uncontrolled EditableChipInput (16a844be)
Fixes done button and adds support for uncontrolled EditableInput (f0de36cd)
Fixes onChange callback in InputMask (I18e111ce)
Removes margin bottom from modal body when there is no footer (7470a273)
Fixes nested row card border in Grid (132d0903)
feat(Checkbox): Adds helptext in checkbox (1d41c6cc)
feat(Radio): Adds helptext in radio (fc886989)
Test(MetaList): Adds test cases for MetaList component (5023743f)
Adds more content to scrolling modal story (c43c8fea)
Improves Tabs API for custom tab (8018e724)
Adds type button
to all components using Button component (7be54df8)
Removes action Icon when input field is disabled (deeb1e1c)
Adds not-allowed cursor in stepper for disabled step (a11a3dce)
Fixes missing file icon in FileList (920e5c42)
Fixes disabled state in DatePicker (1826c560)
Adds radio’s css for hover and active state (a025c7d4)
Adds stepper stories (7274e111)
Fixed table last page navigation and remember last page feature (e74cd502)
updates material icons font files. (4f5fd6b7)
fixes % width issue in overlays. (c1a4997d)
adds support for string for cellType: ICON (c153e3e6)
fixes width percent issue on initial render (fe12266d)
fixes hover state for disabled tabs. (85117ede)
adds test for chip and chipGroup components (5f4e4e8c)
removes extra wrappers. (ab105189)
adds button type to dropdown with apply button. (28aa3fda)
adds focus state for tabs. (2365dc2e)
sets Tabs withSeparator default to true. (27e22655)
Uglify, brotli and gzip compression added. (101d71a6)
adds Date.now mock. (2644524c)
adds context api (ec94884f)
adds stories to modal component (c12a633a)
fixes responsiveness story of pageheader component. (912a2246)
update guidelines for writing stories and patterns of components. (96159ad2)
New component EditableChipInput added. (18d702a7)
New component EditableChipInput added. (18d702a7)
Adds width and height property to checkbox in unchecked state. (c2561f34)
fixes GridBody scrollTop issue on unmount. (766b5686)
updates pagination component according to design. (601c3a47)
fixes expanded state on initial render of Collapsible component. (e2967a7b)
fixes single line case for width greater than 240px in ChipInput. (92a37b6f)
fixes slider tooltip to move with pointer in Slider component. (f1698ff3)
fixes label onClick handling of MultiSlider component (ff4af117)
Updates DS-_ to Design-System-_ as data-test attribute value in components. (6956653e)
fixes label inside tooltip to show custom label in Slider component (5ff6f838)
Layout patterns styling and layout fixed. (e3b52908)
Button Spinner loading state fixed. (bd8d9436)
Show More button added in code preview panel. (134ef48a)
skip feature for a step is addded in Stepper component (d4b775db)
now Modal, Sidesheet and FullScreenModal components have uniform APIs (2c25d036)
updated test cases for overlayheader, modal, sidesheet, EmptyState, Row, Column components.
removes width: 100% and updates flex in Row component. (875564e7)
adds box-shadow to focus state of Input component. (93b6356d)
adds width 100% to MetricInput component. (267b2ad7)
Bottom border radius added for tabs. (905e09b0)
Cursor not allowed added for disabled tab component state. (716ed6c5)
Updates stories of Table, PageHeader, Input components.
adds placeholder story for Loaders component. (c8622a2e)
updates the appearance variant story of Icon component. (42f654d9)
adds pattern, disabled and error state stories for VerificationInput component. (bb8ea8cd)
Adds width and height to checkbox in unchecked state. (c2561f34)
downgrades js-beautify to v1.10.3 for supporting node 8.x (d0c0206b)
Fixes Alignment and Group stories for Checkbox component. (37d2412e)
Fixes width of overflow story for Radio component. (5c632a2d)
downgrades js-beautify to v1.10.3 for supporting node 8.x (a540fb95)
New component for tag based input is added as ChipInput
. (dddcefb0)
Atomic components support all native HTML attributes as props now. (917918b9)
Grid component can now preserve previous page scroll position. (98aa9085)
Atomic components support all native HTML attributes as props now. (917918b9)
New component for tag based input is added as ChipInput
. (dddcefb0)
Click event on disabled options of Dropdown component is fixed. (8e58516b)
Row component includes flex-grow in its style properties. (20645578)
Scrolling on body is now restored after un-mounting of Backdrop component. (60274751)
Next button in forms pattern is fixed. (93947e39)
upgrades @actions/core version from 1.2.6 to 1.2.7 (55bbe718)
upgrades js-beautify version from 1.10.3 to 1.13.13 (a9d2413d)
Loading state is fixed for searching in Dropdown. (7543c883)
Loading state is fixed for searching in Table. (715c0483)
Fixed story path for Dialog. (4785c838)
FileUploaderItem component now uses icon button in stead of Icon component for actions. (12cff689)
Tabs component now have some more states for hovering over. (ac05ee66)
Margin between inputs of VerificationCodeInput component is updated. (c835e770)
Opacity in Message component as design improvement is added. (1b707bef)
Updates Pagination component stories. (e132ebfc)
Updates Tabs component stories. (4774231e)
Updates Popover component stories. (24db67d9)
Updates Checkbox component stories. (24753996)
Updates Radio component stories. (8b30b313)
Updates highlight story of Card component. (c8a2fd84)
New components added to library for metric values input and verification code input, namely VerificationCodeInput
and MetricInput
testing library is removed from project, now our test cases are using react-testing-library and jest only.
Adds new component VerificationCodeInput for verification code input. (6ec9218a)
Adds new component MetricInput for verification code input. (5632589d)
Radio component css issue fixed. (b9049771)
Checkbox component css issue fixed. (d5036517)
Sorting of story titles in left navigation menu on storybook fixed for parent level menus. (d10d451e)
Enzyme is completely removed from library and snapshots are updated accordingly. (d511f73c)
Text component’s subtle variant color updated. (32d2fe9c)
Button component’s button size for large icons updated. (65b100c2)
Stories of VerticalNav
component updated according to updated documentation and features. (87c5955e)
Stories of Dropdown
component updated according to updated documentation and features. (70329569)
Stories of Toast
component updated according to updated documentation and features. (b9e20b78)
Stories of Switch
component updated according to updated documentation and features. (c66e5e55)
Released 2.x of design system components.
Support for storybook 6.
Ability to edit component usage example on code sandbox on one click.
Embed mode for minimal story embedding.
New components introduced like Collapsible, CardHeader, CardBody, CardSubdued, CardFooter.
Improved api design and features of navigation components.
Calendar supports different sizes now.
Manual changelog creation and review process.
Separate library for charts, removed charts from components library.
Recharts is removed from dependency and DonutChart component is removed from library. (adef7f46)
For DonutChart (if you are using) install the library @innovaccer/charts
and import the component from it like import { DonutChart } from @innovaccer/charts
Adds HorizontalNav and VerticalNav as new components. (a5c02f61)
New components to support Card component, CardHeader, CardBody, CardFooter and CardSubdued are added. (1dbae2f1)
Fixes scroll issue in List component. (c7f11e5f)
Fixes Label component’s line-height. (4e33460b)
Removes redundant wrapper div from Textarea component. (18d60c48)
Removes automatic changelog generation. (fb27f302)
Updates Card component stories. (5ce568f8)
Updates Message component stories. (fa5a70fe)
Updates HorizontalNav component stories. (19b6f28b)
Improved css utilities documentation with ability to copy tokens and class names on a single click. (3afc8d05)
Description as a children in Message component is now deprecated, Please use description prop.
Adds support for Icon sizes in Button component. (69f0d1a7)
Fixes column size 3 issues. (71d608f1)
Removes @types/classnames library, to use updated version of classnames library. (41809fa2)
Fixes layering of multiple overlays. (a86eb33b)
Fix controlled Dropdown search functionality issue. (e3e162ba)
In Message component support for actions is added and component is redesigned according to new design. Also support for description prop is added and children is deprecated. (63c22d1e)
In Label component ability to show optional hint as ‘Optional’ is added. (38ef846b)
Updates Button component stories. (91920acd)
Minor issues with liveEditor in DocPage are fixed. (007486c3)
Updates sizing for small variant of Calendar component. (67f00da9)
Fixes issue in updating horizontal scroll of Grid (Table). (35f44c96)
Updates header label of Table component. (9d42ab1a)
Adds react-dynamic-virtual-scroll library in table to improve scrolling. (1b721f6d)
Calendar available in different sizes.
Introduced different sizes in Calendar component, now Calendar component sizes can be controlled by prop exposed for the same. (55f4207e)
In DocPage ability to hide and show code on button click is added and feature to keep code panel expanded by default in embed mode is added. (ded41856)
In Breadcrumbs component Link component is used and removed old local subtleLink component. (e866178f)
Scroll inside Collapsible panel component is fixed. (ded41856)
classnames library version 2.2.6 is frozen to avoid unwanted updates and breaks. (ded41856)
New component: Collapsible
Ability to edit and preview components directly in codeSandbox on single click.
Introduced noSandbox prop in story’s docPage parameter to disable edit in code sandbox feature for specific story. (073dc0e8)
new component Collapsible is added. (90c3a954)
adds codeSandbox integration in docs page story preview. (0cdcbb33)
Calendar component added to library build. (e3bb7dab)
Fixes FullscreenModal’s header for close button alignment. (7d269b8a)
Updates html code indentation used in code sandbox. (eedd4bd6)
Adds import generator to generate component imports for show code and edit in codeSandbox source codes. (becf40a3)
Updates configs to support Story book version 6. (be41707e)
updates titles of all stories to support SB6. (dd072353)
update title of page to be as of story title, enables args table tab. (c3ce929d)
Support for month nav is fixed in Calendar component. (7cacd5bd)
Updates Button component stories. (5f8b8a9f)
Fixes Layout (ROW, Column) components styling according to bootstrap css. (6fa16085)
Removes all stories rendering from doc page of a single component and adds show and hide feature for source code of story on docPage. (9d4d216d)
Support for storybook 6 added.
upgrades storybook to 6.x, and all its dependencies to supported versions. (de09643a)
Fixes Badge component styling. (4d77d53f)
Updates default style for Column component. (2c0b07c8)
Adds size and appearance support in Link component. (3b6eee89)
Adds support for count in horizontal navigation. (5a930857)
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