Avatar group displays a group of avatars stacked together.
An avatar group displays a group of avatars stacked together to represent entities.
Selection avatar displays a group of avatars that can be interacted with. It is mainly used for filtering of data.
Avatar group comes in 3 states for upfront avatars i.e default, focus and disabled. It has 2 states for numeric avatars i.e default and focus.
States of Avatars in Avatar Group
Selection avatar group comes in 5 states - default, hover, active, focus and disabled.
States of Avatars in Selection Avatar Group
Both avatar group and selection avatar group come in 2 sizes - small and regular.
[Left] Regular size vs [Right] Small size of avatars
Both avatar group and selection avatar group share the same variants.
[Left] Avatar group vs [Right] Selection avatar group with initials
[Left] Avatar group vs [Right] Selection avatar group with icon
[Left] Avatar group vs [Right] Selection avatar group with image
Property | Value(s) |
List type | Description List |
Property | Value(s) |
List type | Option List |
Property | Value(s) | Default value |
Size |
| Regular |
Border color | <color> | Namak |
Additional users | <count> | - |
Property | Value(s) | Default value |
Label | <label> | - |
Size |
| Compressed |
Property | Value(s) | Default value |
Size |
| Regular |
Border color | <color> | Namak |
Additional users | <count> | - |
Property | Value(s) | Default value |
Label | <label> | - |
Size |
| Compressed |
Property | Value(s) | Default value |
Width | <width> | 176px (Customizable) |
Max height | <max_height> | 256px (Customizable) |
Min height | <min_height> | - |
Property | Value(s) | Default value |
Width | <width> | 256px (Customizable) |
Max height | <max_height> | 256px (Customizable) |
Min height | <min_height> | - |
Here are the guidelines for the maximum number of avatars permitted to prevent excessive cognitive load.
Avatar group is limited to three entities. For groups larger than three, only two avatars are displayed. The additional avatars are represented by a numeric avatar with the text +N (where N is the number of remaining avatars beyond two).
[Left] Three avatars vs [Right] More than three avatars
Note: To display the additional entities that are not visible upfront, a popover with the full names of those entities is shown when you hover over the numeric avatar.
Popover displays hidden entities when hovering
Selection avatar group is limited to six entities to facilitate data filtering and alleviate cognitive overload. For groups larger than three, only two avatars are displayed. The additional avatars are represented by a numeric avatar with the text +N (where N is the number of remaining avatars beyond two).
[Left] Six avatars vs [Right] More than six avatars
Note: To view additional entities not visible upfront, click the numeric avatar to display a popover with a checklist of their full names.
Popover displays hidden entities upon clicking
Round avatar groups are designed to facilitate an interactive and visually cohesive representation of individual members within a group. In contrast, square avatars are ideal for presenting the group as a unified entity.
It is recommended to use selection avatar group for fewer entities, and select for a larger number of options.
While the popover’s width is flexible and can vary, it is advisable to maintain a size that is equal to or larger than the avatar group.
Width of popover
In case of overflow, the items will get truncated and can be viewed inside a tooltip on hover.
Overflow behavior of items inside popover
In an avatar group, you can add a suffix to an entity’s name that appears in tooltips and popovers.
Note: Adding a suffix for disabled states is recommended to keep users informed.
Appending a suffix to the name of the disabled entity
Default and selection avatar groups can include presence indicators that visually represent the user’s availability , such as “active” and “away”.
Presence in Avatar Group
Regular default avatar group and regular selection avatar group can include status indicators to represent user-defined or system-determined messages, providing context about the user’s current activity or situation. A tooltip should be used to define the status.
Status in Avatar Group