
Related content grouped together and arranged vertically or horizontally.


A listbox consists of related content grouped together and arranged vertically or horizontally. Listbox present the content (text, supporting visuals, etc) in a consistent layout to make them easily scannable.


Listbox come in 3 types: option list, description list and resource list

Option list

A list of options where an option is an entity that a user can select/pick.

An option list An option list

Description list

A list of items containing simple information which is meant for consumption only. It can occasionally contain minor actions such as copy, edit, remove, etc.

A description list A description list

Resource list

A list of resources where a resource is an object in itself and has a detailed view linked to it.

A resource list A resource list


Listbox comes in 3 sizes: standard, tight and compressed. The width varies based on the content and layout.

TypeVertical paddingHorizontal padding


Standard size - vertical padding - 12 px Standard size - vertical padding - 12 px


Compressed size - vertical padding - 8 px Compressed size - vertical padding - 8 px


This size is typically suited for information-dense lists.

Tight size - vertical padding - 4 px Tight size - vertical padding - 4 px


Note: Since description list item is not interactive, it does not have any state.

Option list

States of option list items States of option list items

Description list

States of description list items States of description list items

Resource list

States of resource list items States of resource list items


Structure of list items Structure of list items
Horizontal padding16 px
Vertical padding
  • Standard - 12 px
  • Compressed - 8 px
  • Tight - 4 px
  • Shadow of picked item (while reordering)Shadow 30


    PropertyValue(s)Default value
    Spacing between 2 items<value>0 px




    This is the most common arrangement as the list is easy to read when arranged vertically.

    List items arranged vertically List items arranged vertically


    List can be nested to show additional content. Any type of content such as a list, a card, etc can be nested inside a list items.

    A nested list A nested list

    Reordering list items

    Reordering the list items should be hinted using a drag indicator placed at the beginning of the items. The list item can be picked and dragged using the drag indicator to reorder the list.

    Reordering the list items Reordering the list items
    States of drag indicator icon States of drag indicator icon

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