
Dropdowns offer multiple choices in a compact way.


Dropdowns display a list of options for users to choose from. They provide the option to let users select a single option or multiple.


Dropdowns can be categorized into 2 types basis on their uses -


This is the typical custom button + popover combination of dropdowns.

This is the icon button + popover combination of dropdowns which is used only for menu commands e.g. edit, export, delete, etc. This is not used for selecting options. The menu can open in either direction i.e towards left or towards the right.


Button Variants

The custom button for dropdowns comes with a few variants -


The standard variant consists of just text which changes its state when one or more options are selected.

With Icon

This variant comes with an icon in the left preceding the text to provide additional cues regarding the type of the options.

Inline Label

This variant comes with a label preceding the text and can be used at places where there is a space crunch.

Options Variants

The options in a dropdown can be single select or multi-select. They come with a few variants -


This variant comes with just text.

With Icon

This variant comes with an icon preceding the text.

With Sub Info

This variant comes with sub-info beneath the text.

With Checkbox

This variant comes with the support of checkboxes to select single or multiple options. The options here can also have sub info just like the previous variant.


Dropdowns come in 2 sizes - small and regular.


Button States

The custom button comes in 5 states - default, hover, focus, active and disabled.

States of the custom dropdown button

Options States

The options come in 3 states - default, hover and selected. Users can also use the up/down arrow key to traverse the options. In that case, the highlighted option has the same state as hover.

States of options


Dropdown is made up of 2 key components - a custom button which acts as a trigger and a popover which acts as a container for the options.

Dropdown structure

Trigger (Dropdown Button)

Structure of dropdown button
  • 24 px (Small)

  • 32 px (Regular)

Corner radius4 px


Structure of dropdown options


(top, right, bottom, left)
6 px, 8 px, 6 px, 12 px


Trigger (Dropdown Button)

PropertyValue(s)Default value
  • Small
  • Regular




<icon name>-

Inline label



PropertyValue(s)Default value




<icon name>-

Sub info

<sub info>-




Dropdown can be offered with a search functionality. In that case, the search input appears at the top.

Multi Select

The multi-select behavior in a dropdown is divided into 2 categories as following.

For Options Less Than or Equal to a Threshold
Multi-select behavior of dropdown for options less than or equal to a threshold Multi-select behavior of dropdown for options less than or equal to a threshold

For Options More Than the Threshold
Multi-select behavior of dropdown for options more than the threshold Multi-select behavior of dropdown for options more than the threshold

Note: 50 is the default threshold and it can be changed to any number between 50 to 100.

Grouping Options

Dropdown options can be grouped under a section using a sub header, if needed.

Grouping options under a sub heading Grouping options under a sub heading

Label Position

The label provides a better understanding of what kind of selection is expected. Labels can be placed either on the top of the dropdown or can be placed inline with the value or placeholder of the dropdown.

Help Text

Help text can be provided beneath a dropdown to add context regarding the type of input required just like the input fields.

Using network resources on each checkbox selection in a dropdown can be quite expensive. To avoid sending api calls at every selection, the dropdown with multi-select comes with an option of having actions in the footer. This helps in sending the api call just once i.e. on click of Add/Apply button.

Custom Trigger

Dropdowns can also be triggered by other components, primarily by buttons and icon buttons. The basic behavior of the dropdown remains the same.

Custom triggers to open a dropdown Custom triggers to open a dropdown

It is recommended to use dropdowns if the number of single-select options exceeds 5 or if the space is limited, to better utilize the space. Radios should be used if the options are fewer than 5 and there are no space restrictions.

Dropdown vs. radio

It is recommended to use dropdowns if the number of multi-select options exceeds 5 or if the space is limited, to better utilize the space. Checkboxes should be used if the options are fewer than 5 and there are no space restrictions.

Dropdown vs. checkbox

Error & Empty States

These states are used to inform users about the status of the data that is being loaded in the dropdown. Note: It is recommended to avoid using an image or illustration in these states due to the limited real estate available within the dropdown.

Dropdown having error in loading the options Dropdown having error in loading the options
Dropdown having error in loading the options No options vs No results found after search

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