Help Text

Help text provides a brief description accompanying a component.


Help text is used to provide additional information accompanying a component such as checkbox, dropdown, input, etc.


Structure of help text

WidthSpans the width of the related component
Spacing between help text and the component4 px


When to use help text

Help text should only be used to provide a brief description related to the component. It should not be used for headings, main content, or long paragraphs.

When to use help text When to use help text

Using help text with different components Using help text with different components

Help text vs Inline message

Inline message is used to provide inline feedback regarding a state or action and hence it is reactive (only appears after something has happened, to provide feedback). Whereas help text is used to provide additional information typically appearing just below a component e.g. inputs, dropdowns, etc.

Help text vs Inline message Help text vs Inline message

Position and width of the help text component

Help text always appears just below the accompanying component and spans across its width.

Position and width of the help text component Position and width of the help text component

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