
Modals are used to present information, critical alerts, and confirmations requiring user input or interaction.


Modals are used to present information, critical alerts, and confirmations to the users. Occasionally they can contain short forms to input data from users. They are presented on top of a translucent overlay to maintain context with the background content and hence preventing users from interacting with the background.

If the information or interactions are more complex, consider using a side sheet.


Standard Modal

Standard modals appear in the center of the screen along with an overlay which prevents users from interacting with the background.

Full Screen Modal

Full screen modals cover the entire screen. They are used when you want the complete undivided attention of users. The prime use case is when the users create a new entity because in such cases the context with the content behind the modal is typically not required.

They should not be used for confirmations, critical alerts or to present information.


Standard Modal


Dialogs are used to convey information to users where interaction with that information is not required.


Alerts are used to convey critical information before taking a destructive action such as delete, discard, deactivate, etc.


Confirmation dialogs are used to take confirmation from users before taking any important action.

Input Modals

Input modals are used to present forms to users such as input fields, dropdowns, etc.


Standard Modal

Standard modal comes in 3 sizes basis on the breakpoints -

SizeBreakpoint < = smallBreakpoint = mediumBreakpoint = > large
Small10 columns4 columns3 columns
Medium10 columns6 columns4 columns
Large10 columns8 columns6 columns

Note: While designing, only design as per the large breakpoint case (width >= 992 pixels).


Small size modal


Medium size modal


Large size modal

Full Screen Modal

The content of a full screen modal comes in 2 sizes basis on the breakpoints -

SizeBreakpoint < = smallBreakpoint = mediumBreakpoint = > large
Default12 columns6 columns4 columns
Large12 columns8 columns6 columns

Note: Content here refers to the section appearing in the center of the full screen modal.


Default size full screen modal


Large size full screen modal


Standard Modal

Minimum height200px

Minimum margin

64px, 64px
Corner radius8px


16px, 24px, 24px, 24px
Background colorNamak
ShadowShadow 30

Full-Screen Modal

Background colorNamak


Standard Modal

PropertyValue(s)Default value
  • Small
  • Regular
  • Large

Full-Screen Modal

PropertyValue(s)Default value
  • Regular
  • Large


Positioning and Scaling of Modals

Modals are vertically center-aligned. They scale vertically in case the content is long enough, until reaching 64px from the screen’s top and bottom edge. In those cases, a scroll is introduced as well.

A top and bottom margin of 64px allows to best utilize the space on the viewport and maximize the content area of the modal.

Positioning and scaling of modals Positioning and scaling of modals

Default Focus on Secondary Action

By default, the secondary action should be in its focused state when the modal appears. This helps to avoid the trigger of primary action (especially the delete action) by accidental pressing of Enter key.

Default focus on secondary action Default focus on secondary action

The Order of the Action Buttons

The primary and secondary actions appear at the bottom right in a modal. However, the order in which they appear has to be the same regardless of the nature of the primary action (create, delete, etc.). Listing primary actions last improves the flow, because the modal then “ends” with its conclusion. Also, keeping the order the same makes the position of actions predictable.

Order of the action buttons

Using in Conjunction With the Message Component

Message component can be used in the body of the modal in case the need arises. It should always appear at the top in the body section.

For example, this can be helpful when you want -

  1. The users to be aware of the consequences their actions can have
  2. To show a critical error, etc.
Message component in modals Message component in modals


The dividers in the header and the footer should only be shown when the content is scrollable.

Without dividers
With dividers With dividers

Scrollable Content

You should avoid adding scrollable content in a modal as they are meant to be used to convey concise information, alerts, and confirmations. But there can be cases when scrolling is unavoidable.

Few points to keep in mind then -

  • Scrolling becomes active only when the content overflows the modal i.e. the max height of the modal is achieved. Max height of a modal is the height of the screen with a margin of 64px from top and bottom.
  • To indicate that the content can be scrolled, use a scrollbar and show the dividers in both the header and the footer component. This helps to convey that the header and the footer are fixed.
  • Closing the Modal

    Clicking outside the modal should not cancel the current process and close the modal by default. However, this behavior is configurable and can be turned on for dialogs only since they just present information and any sort of user interaction is not required there. Pressing ESC key on the keyboard does the same.

    Using Forms

    Forms with simple inputs can be used inside a modal. For more complex forms and interactions, side sheets should be considered.


    Steppers can also be used in a modal as long as the content is concise and short. The rule of thumb is to use side sheets when the content is large and complex.

    Steppers in a modal Steppers in a modal

    Full Screen Modals

    Lifetime of a Full Screen Modal

    Full screen modal is initialized and displayed when a user clicks on a “Create …” entity button. It is de-initialized and closed as soon as that entity is created. DO NOT use full screen modals for workflows involving multiple steps.

    Two Steps Workflow - Back Button

    To maintain simplicity, full screen modals are only supposed to have 1 step. But even then, there can be cases when a two steps workflow is required in order to create an entity. In that case, the header of the full screen modal can be updated to include a back button.

    Action Buttons

    Just like the default modals, the action buttons appear at the bottom right and follows the same order rules.

    Action buttons in a full screen modal Action buttons in a full screen modal

    Scrolling Behavior

    Unlike default modals, the header and footer are not fixed in the full screen modals. So the content goes beneath the fold like this -

    FeedbackFeedback or update after an action has taken placeInformation or feedback that aids users in completing their action or flowCritical information that requires user input or interaction
    When to useAfter an action has taken placeBefore or after an action has taken placeBefore an action has taken place
    Information detailConciseConciseIn-depth
    IntrusivenessUnobtrusiveAttention demandingDisruptive
    DurationPersists for 5 seconds (Default), can be customized in case of a critical notificationPersists but can be removed from the view upon resolution of the error.Persists until user interaction or input is received.

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