
Toasts are used to notify users about the outcome of their actions without disrupting the ongoing user workflow.



The appearances of our toast are goal oriented.


Alert variant is used to convey an error state or failure which blocks a process. It should be used when the goal of the user hasn’t been met.

The error may be generic like - ‘User not found’, or failure of a process like - ‘Could not create users’, ‘File items could not be uploaded’, and more.


Info variant is used to convey information to the users. This information is neutral in tone and is not associated with a connotation.

This info may be generic like - ‘In progress’, or ‘new updates available’, and more.


Success variant is used to convey the success state of a task/process. It should be used when the goal of the user has been met.

Successful completion may be in the form of - ‘Mail sent successfuly’, ‘User deleted successfully’, ‘Mobile number verified successfully’, ‘Meeting scheduled successfully’, and more.


Warning variant is used to convey an interrupted state which delays or partially prevents a process from completion.

The warning may be generic like - ‘1 file could not be downloaded out of 50’, or ‘80 assignments uploaded out of 100’, and more.


Structure of toast
Width360 px
Corner radius4 px


(top, right, bottom, left)
12 px, 8 px, 16 px, 16 px
Spacing between actions8 px


(bottom, left)
32 px, 32 px


PropertyValue(s)Default value
  • Info
  • Success
  • Warning
  • Alert




  • Action 1
  • Action 2
  • 5 seconds
  • Customizable
5 seconds


Positioning of Toast

They appear at the bottom left of the screen and overlay any content.

Positioning of toast Positioning of toast


Toasts will close when the close button is clicked, or after a timeout – the default is 5 seconds. It can be Customized through in case of critical notification to ensure the user has enough time to read and acknowledge the message.

Toasts With Actions

Use toast with actions when you want the users to take an action after reading the message. Also, make sure the same actions are also available elsewhere on the page.

Toast with actions

Here the action in the toast is also available in the table row so that users can take the action comfortably even if they clone the toast.

Toast Without Description

Multiple Toasts

Only one toast is displayed at a time. Subsequent toasts get stacked with a margin of 16px with the latest one on top.

Overuse of Toasts

It is recommended to not use toasts when the user interface is enough to provide feedback.

Overuse of toasts Toast is not needed here because users can already see the updated note in the right section.

Toasts vs Messages

Toasts are temporary notifications that appear on the screen to provide brief, unobtrusive feedback to the user whereas messages are used for important information and are integrated directly into the content of the interface.

Toasts vs Messages Toasts vs Messages

Toast vs Message vs Modal

FeedbackFeedback or update after an action has taken placeInformation or feedback that aids users in completing their action or flowCritical information that requires user input or interaction
When to useAfter an action has taken placeBefore or after an action has taken placeBefore an action has taken place
Information detailConciseConciseIn-depth
IntrusivenessUnobtrusiveAttention demandingDisruptive
DurationPersists for 5 seconds (Default), can be customized in case of a critical notificationPersists but can be removed from the view upon resolution of the error.Persists until user interaction or input is received.

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